

Are you ready to find a lasting solution to your computer and IT needs?
For expert computer services in the Brisbane area contact the Less Stress team today.

Preventative Maintenance and Network Audits Brisbane

Less Stress Computer Services offers extensive IT support services that covers different areas needed for the success of your business or project.
Our preventative maintenance and network audits Brisbane help you to be proactive in preventing the possibility of damage
that may cause loss of data or cost you excessively in the future.
To safeguard your investment in any project or business, you should consider preventative maintenance and network audits.

Comprehensive preventative maintenance

No matter how reliable the hardware, it is essential for you to schedule preventative maintenance and network audits to ensure everything keeps working efficiently and effectively for a long while. When you need preventative maintenance for your laptops, desktops, servers, and other hardware, Less Stress is the company to call. Our comprehensive preventative maintenance ensures that you avoid expensive repairs or data loss as much as possible.

Our preventative maintenance services include:

  • Update of antivirus or anti-malware software
  • Upgrade of hardware and software
  • Removal of spyware
  • Update of operating system for optimal functioning.
Comprehensive preventative maintenance
Effective network audits

Effective network audits

If you are experiencing issues with your computer network and systems, an effective network audit from our experts at Less Stress Computer Services can solve your problems at the most affordable prices. Through our network audits, we help you understand the causes of the issues your network is having and forewarn you of any potential problems that may occur soon if not addressed.

Our detailed preventative maintenance and network audits perform both reactive and proactive functions – they give you a comprehensive report of the current situation of your computer system and network as well as facilitating the creation of a long-term solution.

We help you design your network to comply with all essential security policies and regulations that may otherwise jeopardise your business if neglected. We can also help you with the expansion and upgrade of the network and system of your business.


Don’t trust the fate of your computer system and network with inexperienced people and risk losing everything you have worked for.
Get in touch with us now at Less Stress Computer Services for preventative maintenance
and network audits that are affordable, effective and reliable.